"VPN" stands for, "Virtual Private Network". These are especially important for cell phones. The VPN decrypts the information on your phone, so that others, if they hack into your phone, won't be able to understand what they are looking at. If you are doing banking or making transactions using your phone, you are open to everyone. Others can possibly get an account number, passwords or other info.

Windows Updates

Make sure your automatic Windows update is turned on so Microsoft can update Windows automatically. You can also do the updates manually by going to search and enter "windows update" without the quotes.

Belarc Advisor

This program analyzes your computer and will let you know everything that is installed on your computer. It's free and you can print it out and file it so that you can show it to the computer tech if ever you have problems with your machine. The program will record your windows software "key" and other software "keys" that you will need to reinstall your operating system or other software. The key is a long series of numbers and letters you will need to enter to install your software. Not all software needs or has a software key.

Back Up Your Computer

Make sure you back up all of your important documents, photos and videos. If your computer goes belly up, you probably will lose everything that was on your computer or you may be able to have everything pulled off the hard drive and recovered for a great sum of money. There are a number of off site back ups such as "Carbonite" or "Idrive". I back up on an external hard drive, DVD's, and Carbonite.

Off Site Hard Drive "Backup" Companies

Friday, March 3, 2017

Protect your data before sending computers in for repairs

Any personal data on your computer is subject to snooping, even by those who are to work on or repair your machine. The only solution to this is to erase important data that may be vulnerable; bank account numbers, pin numbers, private emails, and etc...  But first you need to back up your hard drive to an external hard drive or a CD/DVD.  The best back up would be an offsite back up such as Carbonite.  This back up is safe and the only way it would fail would be if all three of their hard drives went down simultaneously.

*Carbonite*   Link


A firewall is a necessity for any computer. A firewall blocks others from accessing your computer. Windows has a firewall built in. Make sure it is turned on by searching your computer for "firewall". If you want a more powerful firewall, there are others out there, such as "Zone Alarm".

The Destructive Virus

A virus is a program that is created by someone just to cause hell with your computer. Why do people do this? Because they can. Those virus programs can be written to sit in your computer dormant and then it is activated by just pushing a certain key or is activated on a certain day or whatever. In any event they can cause hell with your computer. There are anti-virus programs that work well and that are free.

Anti Virus Program

I use Avast with no problems.

Ransom Ware

Ransomware is a virus program that is placed on your computer; usually by opening an e-mail. It will shut down your computer so that you can't access any of your programs. Then something pops up to let you know that you can again access your computer if only you pay them money. This can be $700.00 or more. The longer you wait the more it can cost you. Cryptolocker is one of those dangerous programs. Your anti virus program may catch it before it does damage. Below is a link to a defense against Cryptolocker.

Crypto Prevent

Cryptoprevent is a defense against Cryptolocker, a ransomware program.

*Cryptoprevent* Link

Spyware Programs

Spyware are bugs that are put onto your computer to track you so that the installer of the spyware can target you with the appropriate ads and so on. With enough of these spyware bugs on your computer, your computer will slow down. Much of this spyware are called "pups". There are programs such as "Spy Ware Blaster" and "iobit Malware fighter" which can zap these bugs or prevent them from installing. I use both.

Tweaking Your Computer Settings

Go to search and enter "msconfig" without the quotes. A window will pop up. You can do things like limit the number of programs that start up when you turn on the computer. There is a longer startup time when more and more programs have to start running during the startup.

Computer Health

Monitor your computer health with this free program. You can check the temperature and other specs.

Registry Care

Be careful using registry cleaners and powerful uninstallers. Sometimes they will clean out or uninstall things out of the registry that your computer needs to run properly. I use "Wise Registry Cleaner" for a safer cleaner.

Disc Check

About once a month or sooner you need to do a disk check. It will check for file errors and fix them. “Double Click” on Computer “Right Click” on C: drive “Left Click” on Properties “Left Click” on tools tab “Left Click” Check Now”

Windows Memory Diagnostic

Windows has a memory diagnostic. You can check your memory for problems by running the program. Just do a search for "Windows Memory Diagnostic" without the quotes. Click on it and follow the instructions.

Disc Clean Up

Sometimes you need to clean up your hard drive. It's a windows program and safe to use. Double click "computer", right click "C" drive, "left click" properties, "left click" disk cleanup.

Disc Defragmenter

Over time your hard drive gets fragmented which can slow your computer down. Just enter "defrag" into the computer search bar and click on it.

Software Updater

All computers have software on them. Often the software needs updating. I use iobit software updater.


Drivers are computer programs that operate or control a particular type of device that is attached to a computer. Drivers end up out of date and need to be updated. Out of date drivers can slow a computer down.

Driver Booster

You can update your drivers with this program for free.

*Driver Booster* Link

Advanced System Care

This program cleans up your computer so it will run smoother. I don't use the registery cleaner as part of this program just to be safe. I use "Wise Registry Cleaner" instead.